Monday, August 30, 2010

Amateur Artist

I am an amateur artist. Not a particularly good amateur at that, but I like to try. It all started when my dad got a sample set of water color paints, the kind preschoolers use including the shedding brush. My mother had grown some beautiful flowers, I think they were sweet pea blossoms, and I felt the unusual desire to paint. The picture below is my first attempt at painting since elementary school.

Not too shabby, if I do say so myself. Fortunately, the subsequent attempts have not been photographed since they are not as good as this one. After the startling discovery that I actually enjoyed painting, (I am most definitely not the artistic child in the family) I went out and bought some real art supplies not preschool quality. It’s fun even though I’m not that good. Well I found out from very artsy-fartsy people that watercolor is one of the hardest mediums to work with so I was looking for something else to try. Pastels kit, including pastels, workbook and technique book, on sale at Borders? Why yes I think I will buy that. I’ve been having more fun with pastels because it is WAAAAAAAAY easier to correct mistakes with pastels than watercolor. Pictures you ask? Alright here is today’s project. I’m fairly happy with the way it turned out, since it is very close to what I envisioned.

And here is where I paint … in the middle of the living room :D

Well that is all for this post. Enjoy the Art!

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