I've been working on my maniacal laughter ever since I saw Alec Baldwin in
The Shadow. You have to watch to understand.
Also I decorated my apartment for Halloween! It was surprisingly more difficult than I expected. I didn't want to spend a lot of money and it had to be simple, since that is my favorite style. Alright I did spend a fair amount on some of the thing I bought but since the most expensive piece was 12 bucks I think I'm doing alright. I scoured the interwebs to find stuff I liked that I could copy, (one of the Castillo family motto's is "we can do it cheaper") and found these
cheese cloth spider webs.
1. Cut cheese cloth to the right length
2. Cut vertical strips in it, varying heights and widths
3. Use your fingers to rip holes in it. Stretch out the top and rub the ends to make them stringy
And voila! Reusable elegant spider webs that aren't a mess!
Another cool thing that I adapted from that same site: black paper cut outs.
1. You need black paper (I used card stock because Joann's makes me nervous and I couldn't find construction paper), a white crayon or pencil, scissors and a template.
2. Cut shapes out. Use double sided tape to stick to wall, mirrors and picture frames.
I am kind of proud of my mantle set up. I want to put something cooler in the glass jar. Suggestions?
yes the tags are still on :) |
Now our place is all spooky but still cool and I did most of it myself!